Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jack Canfield: American motivational speaker and author

"When you're nice to people, they want to be nice back to you."

Happiness seems to be one of the most elusive feelings. After all, one can be rich, yet not happy. One can be blessed with a home and yet rarely happy. Last week, I saw a man who was probably paid very little working outdoors in one hundred degree heat. Toward myself and everyone around him, he exuded more happiness than I usually see in a week. Somehow he figured it out ‹ that when you're happy, life can be perfect.

Brian Tracy: Self-help author and international speaker

"Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time."

Your productive time and your earning ability are essentially glued together. When one goes up, the other follows. That’s not to say that working a 60-hour week will suddenly line your pockets with cash. Rather, when you invest in contemplating strategies and ideas to improve a business and improve your career, that time will pay off significantly. Begin maximizing your time by listening to Brian Tracy.

Stuart Wilde: Author, researcher on consciousness

"In a time of crisis we all have the potential to morph up to a new level and do things we never thought possible."

When the creditors call, you can suddenly make significant money. When the doctor says, "You have to," you can suddenly lose weight. Nothing has changed, except the motivation of fear — fear of losing your car, your house, or your life. So it’s already there, inside of you. You just have to discover a way to be motivated by the benefit of DOING IT rather than the PAIN of not doing it. And with Stuart Wilde by your side, you can easily just do it.

Brian Tracy: Motivational speaker and self-help author

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new."

The average American rarely leaves his or her comfort zone. As a result, the average American household is $8000 in debt. The average American spends more than they make. The average American will not be able to retire comfortably. You don’t want to be average. And the only way to move from ordinary to extraordinary is to leave your comfort zone TODAY! Brian Tracy will challenge your comfort zone and present millionaire habits.

Stuart Wilde: Author, speaker, metaphysics expert

"Knowledge is power. The more knowledge, expertise, and connections you have, the easier it is for you to make a profit at the game of your choice."

Centuries ago, knowledge came only with experience. With the advent of universities and libraries, knowledge became available to those with money and resources. Today, with the Internet, time is the only necessity to gain knowledge — to become an expert. Yet how much time each day do you devote to expanding your mind. Make sure you schedule this critical time each day, starting with Stuart Wilde's insights.

Thomas Jefferson: Third president of the United States

"Never spend your money before you have it."

Sounds like commonsense advice — if only it were commonly followed. Millions of Americans have fallen into the dollar-disintegrating habit of spending tomorrow’s money today, with the government being the leading offender. A couple of million-dollar habits that will serve you well are to budget your money only after it’s received. And always pay yourself.

Lou Holtz: Former football coach, author, motivational speaker

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."

The movie Rudy is based on a real man who enrolled at Notre Dame, undersized and underachieving academically. He competed on the football field and in the classrooms with some of the most talented players and students. You see, he had near-zero ability. But it didn't matter — he had more motivation, more heart, and a more determined attitude than anyone else at that university. That's what it takes —find the determination and you'll succeed at anything. Joe Vitale proves it.