"When you're nice to people, they want to be nice back to you."
Happiness seems to be one of the most elusive feelings. After all, one can be rich, yet not happy. One can be blessed with a home and yet rarely happy. Last week, I saw a man who was probably paid very little working outdoors in one hundred degree heat. Toward myself and everyone around him, he exuded more happiness than I usually see in a week. Somehow he figured it out ‹ that when you're happy, life can be perfect.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Brian Tracy: Self-help author and international speaker
"Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time."
Your productive time and your earning ability are essentially glued together. When one goes up, the other follows. That’s not to say that working a 60-hour week will suddenly line your pockets with cash. Rather, when you invest in contemplating strategies and ideas to improve a business and improve your career, that time will pay off significantly. Begin maximizing your time by listening to Brian Tracy.
Your productive time and your earning ability are essentially glued together. When one goes up, the other follows. That’s not to say that working a 60-hour week will suddenly line your pockets with cash. Rather, when you invest in contemplating strategies and ideas to improve a business and improve your career, that time will pay off significantly. Begin maximizing your time by listening to Brian Tracy.
Stuart Wilde: Author, researcher on consciousness
"In a time of crisis we all have the potential to morph up to a new level and do things we never thought possible."
When the creditors call, you can suddenly make significant money. When the doctor says, "You have to," you can suddenly lose weight. Nothing has changed, except the motivation of fear — fear of losing your car, your house, or your life. So it’s already there, inside of you. You just have to discover a way to be motivated by the benefit of DOING IT rather than the PAIN of not doing it. And with Stuart Wilde by your side, you can easily just do it.
When the creditors call, you can suddenly make significant money. When the doctor says, "You have to," you can suddenly lose weight. Nothing has changed, except the motivation of fear — fear of losing your car, your house, or your life. So it’s already there, inside of you. You just have to discover a way to be motivated by the benefit of DOING IT rather than the PAIN of not doing it. And with Stuart Wilde by your side, you can easily just do it.
Brian Tracy: Motivational speaker and self-help author
"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new."
The average American rarely leaves his or her comfort zone. As a result, the average American household is $8000 in debt. The average American spends more than they make. The average American will not be able to retire comfortably. You don’t want to be average. And the only way to move from ordinary to extraordinary is to leave your comfort zone TODAY! Brian Tracy will challenge your comfort zone and present millionaire habits.
The average American rarely leaves his or her comfort zone. As a result, the average American household is $8000 in debt. The average American spends more than they make. The average American will not be able to retire comfortably. You don’t want to be average. And the only way to move from ordinary to extraordinary is to leave your comfort zone TODAY! Brian Tracy will challenge your comfort zone and present millionaire habits.
Stuart Wilde: Author, speaker, metaphysics expert
"Knowledge is power. The more knowledge, expertise, and connections you have, the easier it is for you to make a profit at the game of your choice."
Centuries ago, knowledge came only with experience. With the advent of universities and libraries, knowledge became available to those with money and resources. Today, with the Internet, time is the only necessity to gain knowledge — to become an expert. Yet how much time each day do you devote to expanding your mind. Make sure you schedule this critical time each day, starting with Stuart Wilde's insights.
Centuries ago, knowledge came only with experience. With the advent of universities and libraries, knowledge became available to those with money and resources. Today, with the Internet, time is the only necessity to gain knowledge — to become an expert. Yet how much time each day do you devote to expanding your mind. Make sure you schedule this critical time each day, starting with Stuart Wilde's insights.
Thomas Jefferson: Third president of the United States
"Never spend your money before you have it."
Sounds like commonsense advice — if only it were commonly followed. Millions of Americans have fallen into the dollar-disintegrating habit of spending tomorrow’s money today, with the government being the leading offender. A couple of million-dollar habits that will serve you well are to budget your money only after it’s received. And always pay yourself.
Sounds like commonsense advice — if only it were commonly followed. Millions of Americans have fallen into the dollar-disintegrating habit of spending tomorrow’s money today, with the government being the leading offender. A couple of million-dollar habits that will serve you well are to budget your money only after it’s received. And always pay yourself.
Lou Holtz: Former football coach, author, motivational speaker
"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."
The movie Rudy is based on a real man who enrolled at Notre Dame, undersized and underachieving academically. He competed on the football field and in the classrooms with some of the most talented players and students. You see, he had near-zero ability. But it didn't matter — he had more motivation, more heart, and a more determined attitude than anyone else at that university. That's what it takes —find the determination and you'll succeed at anything. Joe Vitale proves it.
The movie Rudy is based on a real man who enrolled at Notre Dame, undersized and underachieving academically. He competed on the football field and in the classrooms with some of the most talented players and students. You see, he had near-zero ability. But it didn't matter — he had more motivation, more heart, and a more determined attitude than anyone else at that university. That's what it takes —find the determination and you'll succeed at anything. Joe Vitale proves it.
Chinese Proverb
"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials."
What do you call a person who breezes through college, lands the perfect job, climbs the corporate ladder with ease, and quickly makes a fortune? A fairy tale — it just never happens. Real life is littered with struggle, problems, mistakes, and lessons. And like a gem, each should be treasured because they are what will build your best life. Larry Winget's approach may seem like friction, but it will polish your life to perfection.
What do you call a person who breezes through college, lands the perfect job, climbs the corporate ladder with ease, and quickly makes a fortune? A fairy tale — it just never happens. Real life is littered with struggle, problems, mistakes, and lessons. And like a gem, each should be treasured because they are what will build your best life. Larry Winget's approach may seem like friction, but it will polish your life to perfection.
Jim Rohn: Motivational speaker, author, entrepreneur
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."
How stable is your discipline bridge? Does it stretch all the way to your goal — or will it fall short? The reason most people fail to cross their own discipline bridge is because the bridge is extremely steep. It's an uphill battle all the way — and the closer you get to the goal, the more difficult it is to stay on. To cross and reach your goal, Jim Rohn will prepare you.
How stable is your discipline bridge? Does it stretch all the way to your goal — or will it fall short? The reason most people fail to cross their own discipline bridge is because the bridge is extremely steep. It's an uphill battle all the way — and the closer you get to the goal, the more difficult it is to stay on. To cross and reach your goal, Jim Rohn will prepare you.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Jim Rohn: Motivational speaker, philosopher, author
"When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it."
Getting a promotion is hard work. But if your home were at the brink of foreclosure, you would find a way to get that promotion. Getting fit and losing weight is also hard work. But if your doctor said you weren’t long for this earth, you would find a way to lose weight and live. Nothing’s impossible; you just need the motivation to make it possible — and do it. Watch as Jim Rohn shows you how.
Getting a promotion is hard work. But if your home were at the brink of foreclosure, you would find a way to get that promotion. Getting fit and losing weight is also hard work. But if your doctor said you weren’t long for this earth, you would find a way to lose weight and live. Nothing’s impossible; you just need the motivation to make it possible — and do it. Watch as Jim Rohn shows you how.
Rhonda Byrne: Australian writer and producer, known for The Secret
"Your life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts. That includes all the great things, and all the things you consider not so great. Since you attract to you what you think about most, it is easy to see what your dominant thoughts have been on every subject of your life, because that is what you have experienced."
Your past defines who you are today and helps shape your future tomorrow. Embrace your past, mistakes and all, because they are a part of you. You can’t change your past, but you can always change your thoughts — which changes your future. Joe Vitale shows you how to change your thoughts and your life.
Your past defines who you are today and helps shape your future tomorrow. Embrace your past, mistakes and all, because they are a part of you. You can’t change your past, but you can always change your thoughts — which changes your future. Joe Vitale shows you how to change your thoughts and your life.
Andrew Carnegie: 19th century captain of American industry
"No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it."
A great leader doesn't pull his team. A great leader doesn't push his team. He doesn't have to. The leader has given enough inspiration, direction, and motivation that push and pull the team to new limits. Marshall Goldsmith takes you to the next level, where you take hold of the reins. When birds fly in a V formation, does one bird take the lead while all others follow? No. The leading bird, just like the leading employee, carries most of the resistance, stress, and responsibility. Therefore, to maximize the efficiency and productivity of everyone, the birds must rotate positions. Marshall Goldsmith shows you how to take the eagle-eye view of a leader.
A great leader doesn't pull his team. A great leader doesn't push his team. He doesn't have to. The leader has given enough inspiration, direction, and motivation that push and pull the team to new limits. Marshall Goldsmith takes you to the next level, where you take hold of the reins. When birds fly in a V formation, does one bird take the lead while all others follow? No. The leading bird, just like the leading employee, carries most of the resistance, stress, and responsibility. Therefore, to maximize the efficiency and productivity of everyone, the birds must rotate positions. Marshall Goldsmith shows you how to take the eagle-eye view of a leader.
Mary O'Connor: Romance author
"It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised. The mosquito is swatted."
Have you ever been to an offsite think tank meeting where you spent a day or two discussing how to move the company forward? Every minute, every hour was most productive. The next day, you fell back into your groove answering emails and returning calls. You became busier than ever, yet nowhere nearly as productive as you were in the meeting. Make sure you pencil in "productive days" every single month. Larry Winget will make sure you stay as busy and productive as a bee.
Have you ever been to an offsite think tank meeting where you spent a day or two discussing how to move the company forward? Every minute, every hour was most productive. The next day, you fell back into your groove answering emails and returning calls. You became busier than ever, yet nowhere nearly as productive as you were in the meeting. Make sure you pencil in "productive days" every single month. Larry Winget will make sure you stay as busy and productive as a bee.
Joe Vitale: was a writer and management consultant
"Ask yourself what you would do even if you were never paid. That’s a clue to what you should be doing and, of course, still be finding a way to be paid for it. You can attract more money from love."
On average, you’ll spend about 10 years of your life at work. If you drag yourself out of bed each weekday morning, dread your ride in to work, then count the hours until you can leave, you’ve just lost 10 or more years of your life. Yet, if you hop out of bed each weekday morning, anticipate getting to work and relish every minute until you go home — well, you’re no longer working. You’re doing what you love, living life the way you want — and getting paid to do so. Joe Vitale has your life’s true calling.
On average, you’ll spend about 10 years of your life at work. If you drag yourself out of bed each weekday morning, dread your ride in to work, then count the hours until you can leave, you’ve just lost 10 or more years of your life. Yet, if you hop out of bed each weekday morning, anticipate getting to work and relish every minute until you go home — well, you’re no longer working. You’re doing what you love, living life the way you want — and getting paid to do so. Joe Vitale has your life’s true calling.
Peter F. Drucker: was a writer and management consultant
"Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things."
Management takes brains. Leadership takes brains, guts and heart. Management moves people. Leadership moves companies. Management changes product and price. Leadership changes minds and attitudes. Management can come and go. Leadership is forever. Perhaps there is nobody more able to inspire you to take that next step — toward leadership — than Marshall Goldsmith.
Management takes brains. Leadership takes brains, guts and heart. Management moves people. Leadership moves companies. Management changes product and price. Leadership changes minds and attitudes. Management can come and go. Leadership is forever. Perhaps there is nobody more able to inspire you to take that next step — toward leadership — than Marshall Goldsmith.
Larry Winget: professional speaker and bestselling author
"Don't measure busywork. Don't measure activity. Measure accomplishment. It doesn't matter what people do as much as it matters what they get done."
A recent survey revealed that about a third of most people's workweek was unproductive. Think about how you spent your last workday. Were you on task, working toward a goal? Or did phone calls, emails, and meetings bog you down? Make a habit to start each day with a focus of what meaningful daily goal you want to accomplish. String together a few weeks like that and you'll become very accomplished in your career. Larry Winget gives you the keys to accomplishment.
A recent survey revealed that about a third of most people's workweek was unproductive. Think about how you spent your last workday. Were you on task, working toward a goal? Or did phone calls, emails, and meetings bog you down? Make a habit to start each day with a focus of what meaningful daily goal you want to accomplish. String together a few weeks like that and you'll become very accomplished in your career. Larry Winget gives you the keys to accomplishment.
Lee Iacocca: Former CEO of Chrysler, author, philanthropist
"The kind of people I look for to fill top management spots are the eager beavers, the mavericks. These are the guys who try to do more than they're expected to do — they always reach."
Maverick: [mav-er-ik, mav-rik] noun — A lone dissenter who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates. How many valedictorians does a high school or college have? How many CEOs are there in a company? How many presidents of the United States are there at any one given time? My point exactly. If you live your life doing what everyone else does, you’ll become like everyone else. To be original, unique, and possibly THE BEST, you have to do MORE than everyone else. Dr. John Eliot shows you how.
Maverick: [mav-er-ik, mav-rik] noun — A lone dissenter who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates. How many valedictorians does a high school or college have? How many CEOs are there in a company? How many presidents of the United States are there at any one given time? My point exactly. If you live your life doing what everyone else does, you’ll become like everyone else. To be original, unique, and possibly THE BEST, you have to do MORE than everyone else. Dr. John Eliot shows you how.
Anthony Robbins: Authority on leadership psychology
"For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent."
Change is simply a mirror that reflects your life. Make little changes and you get little results. Make brief changes; get brief results. Make lasting changes — exactly, you’ll get lasting results. When you’re ready to shape your destiny and change your life, Anthony Robbins reveals how dramatic changes can come easier than you think.
Change is simply a mirror that reflects your life. Make little changes and you get little results. Make brief changes; get brief results. Make lasting changes — exactly, you’ll get lasting results. When you’re ready to shape your destiny and change your life, Anthony Robbins reveals how dramatic changes can come easier than you think.
Dr. Ed Hallowell: Psychiatrist and author
"In order to do what really matters to you, you have to, first of all, know what really matters to you."
With the current economy, life has presented us a gift. Though most only see the negativity and problems, there are a few who see the opportunity. The opportunity to align your career with your life’s purpose. The opportunity to invest time in what you love most and become an entrepreneur. The opportunity to refocus your attention on what matters most — your family, your friends, your life. In these trying times, Dr. Ed Hallowell helps you find what matters most.
With the current economy, life has presented us a gift. Though most only see the negativity and problems, there are a few who see the opportunity. The opportunity to align your career with your life’s purpose. The opportunity to invest time in what you love most and become an entrepreneur. The opportunity to refocus your attention on what matters most — your family, your friends, your life. In these trying times, Dr. Ed Hallowell helps you find what matters most.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Andy Fuehl: Author and authority on money and wealth psychology
"There are three things you must do in order to become wealthy.You must have the right mindset, discover your purpose in life, and find a business that expresses that purpose."
By reading this, you’ve proven you already have the right mindset for wealth. Have you discovered your purpose in life? And are you in a business that expresses that purpose? Here’s a simple test to find out: do you loathe Mondays and have a spring in your step Friday afternoon? If that describes you (as it does for most Americans), you have yet to discover your true calling. Keep searching. Your entrepreneurial guru, Andy Fuehl, will be your guide.
By reading this, you’ve proven you already have the right mindset for wealth. Have you discovered your purpose in life? And are you in a business that expresses that purpose? Here’s a simple test to find out: do you loathe Mondays and have a spring in your step Friday afternoon? If that describes you (as it does for most Americans), you have yet to discover your true calling. Keep searching. Your entrepreneurial guru, Andy Fuehl, will be your guide.
Paul Zane Pilzer: economist, entrepreneur, college professor
"Prosperity belongs to those who learn new things the fastest."
For years I’ve heard people say, “I try to learn something new everyday.” In today’s competitive marketplace, that’s simply not enough. The wealthiest, most successful people learn volumes of information everyday. Most devour several non-fiction books a month, read as many newspapers as they can get their hands on, align themselves with educated people, and listen to audio programs whenever they drive. It’s a thirst that can never be quenched. So, how thirsty are you? Paul Zane Pilzer, the millionaire-making guru wets your whistle.
For years I’ve heard people say, “I try to learn something new everyday.” In today’s competitive marketplace, that’s simply not enough. The wealthiest, most successful people learn volumes of information everyday. Most devour several non-fiction books a month, read as many newspapers as they can get their hands on, align themselves with educated people, and listen to audio programs whenever they drive. It’s a thirst that can never be quenched. So, how thirsty are you? Paul Zane Pilzer, the millionaire-making guru wets your whistle.
Ric Edelman: author of "Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth," financial guru.
"Rich people start off as poor people. The difference is they take the nickels and dimes and they invest it — they didn’t spend it all at the mall."
Life is a habit — a routine — a blur from one day to the next. And when you piece all of your little habits together, it shapes who you are as a person. The key is making the right habits stick and shedding yourself of the bad ones. Therefore, before you can even start investing, building wealth and putting money in the bank, you need to first put the right habits into your mind. Then you’ll be far ahead of most Americans, who will still be working when they should be retiring. A no-nonsense plan can help grow your wealth. Ric Edelman, best-selling author, nationally recognized TV and radio host, and financial guru, has just the plan you need.
Life is a habit — a routine — a blur from one day to the next. And when you piece all of your little habits together, it shapes who you are as a person. The key is making the right habits stick and shedding yourself of the bad ones. Therefore, before you can even start investing, building wealth and putting money in the bank, you need to first put the right habits into your mind. Then you’ll be far ahead of most Americans, who will still be working when they should be retiring. A no-nonsense plan can help grow your wealth. Ric Edelman, best-selling author, nationally recognized TV and radio host, and financial guru, has just the plan you need.
Thomas Schweich: attorney, author, and esteemed risk-avoidance lecturer
"Overnight sensations are usually not really overnight sensations. They’re people who worked very hard in a structured and methodical way to get where they wanted to go."
Remember how much you made when you first entered the workforce? If you're like most, your pay has increased substantially — just as your responsibilities have. Now, what if you forced yourself to live on what you brought home when your career was young? In just a few months, you would begin to amass significant wealth. It's the most basic wealth-building formula which very few are able to grasp: The further beneath your means you live, the higher your wealth will grow. Thomas Schweich — attorney, author and esteemed risk-avoidance guru — shows you how to get there and stay there.
Remember how much you made when you first entered the workforce? If you're like most, your pay has increased substantially — just as your responsibilities have. Now, what if you forced yourself to live on what you brought home when your career was young? In just a few months, you would begin to amass significant wealth. It's the most basic wealth-building formula which very few are able to grasp: The further beneath your means you live, the higher your wealth will grow. Thomas Schweich — attorney, author and esteemed risk-avoidance guru — shows you how to get there and stay there.
Phil Tirone: Author, Credit Guru
"Your credit score: Those three little numbers can have a six digit impact on your life."
If your boss told you that you could get a promotion and a pay raise, but wouldn’t tell you how to do it, you would probably look for another job. If your doctor told you that your health was in grave condition, but wouldn’t reveal how to save your life, you’d find a new doctor. These scenarios describe the credit industry to a "T". There are many ways to improve your credit score and help your finances, just as there are many ways to damage your score and ruin your finances. Nobody in the credit industry tells you how to do either – but now one man WILL: Phil Tirone, your credit guru.
If your boss told you that you could get a promotion and a pay raise, but wouldn’t tell you how to do it, you would probably look for another job. If your doctor told you that your health was in grave condition, but wouldn’t reveal how to save your life, you’d find a new doctor. These scenarios describe the credit industry to a "T". There are many ways to improve your credit score and help your finances, just as there are many ways to damage your score and ruin your finances. Nobody in the credit industry tells you how to do either – but now one man WILL: Phil Tirone, your credit guru.
Anthony Robbins: American self-help writer and professional speaker
"Passion is the genesis of genius."
Do you know anyone who is an "empty genius"? Empty genuises seem to have the right answer for any question. They have an abundance of intelligence — yet they lack passion, energy and determination. Therefore, they will probably never live their dreams. Contrast that with someone who has a fire in his or her belly, a passion in his or her eyes, and lives every day to prove it. That person will not only succeed, he or she will usually surpass the empty genius in intelligence. Anthony Robbins lights your fire.
Do you know anyone who is an "empty genius"? Empty genuises seem to have the right answer for any question. They have an abundance of intelligence — yet they lack passion, energy and determination. Therefore, they will probably never live their dreams. Contrast that with someone who has a fire in his or her belly, a passion in his or her eyes, and lives every day to prove it. That person will not only succeed, he or she will usually surpass the empty genius in intelligence. Anthony Robbins lights your fire.
Henry Ford: was the founder of the Ford Motor Company
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
Do you know where to find the best fishing spots? You'll usually find most fish where you find the most obstacles: rocks, roots, brush, wreckage, and near banks and dams. Novice fishermen can't see past the obstacles and will spend their day battling the debris rather than fishing. The pro, on the other hand, never loses sight of the big catch and therefore skillfully maneuvers around any obstacles. No matter what big fish you wish to land — more income, a better career, a more accomplished life — never take your eyes off it. Or the "big one" might just get away. Dan Sullivan teaches you to fish like the pros.
Do you know where to find the best fishing spots? You'll usually find most fish where you find the most obstacles: rocks, roots, brush, wreckage, and near banks and dams. Novice fishermen can't see past the obstacles and will spend their day battling the debris rather than fishing. The pro, on the other hand, never loses sight of the big catch and therefore skillfully maneuvers around any obstacles. No matter what big fish you wish to land — more income, a better career, a more accomplished life — never take your eyes off it. Or the "big one" might just get away. Dan Sullivan teaches you to fish like the pros.
Anthony Robbins: Authority on leadership psychology
"It's not knowing what to do, it's doing what you know."
It's in your head — when it comes to losing weight and becoming fit, you already know that the keys are diet and exercise. It’s in your head — when it comes to being successful and doubling your income, you already know the goals, the hard work, and the sacrifices that must occur first. Therein lies the problem. Most of us know WHAT to do — it’s already in our head. It’s only when we put it IN OUR HEART and commit to actually doing it that our life begins to change. Anthony Robbins helps put your knowledge and goals in your heart. Anthony Robbins helps give meaning to your life.
It's in your head — when it comes to losing weight and becoming fit, you already know that the keys are diet and exercise. It’s in your head — when it comes to being successful and doubling your income, you already know the goals, the hard work, and the sacrifices that must occur first. Therein lies the problem. Most of us know WHAT to do — it’s already in our head. It’s only when we put it IN OUR HEART and commit to actually doing it that our life begins to change. Anthony Robbins helps put your knowledge and goals in your heart. Anthony Robbins helps give meaning to your life.
Dan Sullivan: Speaker and coach to entrepreneurs
"The size of the future you actually experience will largely be determined by one factor: the people you choose to connect with. When you invite people who are
truly committed to growth into every aspect of your life, your own potential for growth becomes truly unlimited."
Life is essentially composed of two things: the experiences that we make and the people with which we share them. And remarkably, the two are dynamically connected. With little family, few friends, and no mentors, your success and happiness are equally limited. But as you open the doors to countless friends, family, and mentors, the doors to success and everyday fulfillment open wide. It’s not always what you know, but who you know. Dan Sullivan puts you in touch with your own Pure Genius.
truly committed to growth into every aspect of your life, your own potential for growth becomes truly unlimited."
Life is essentially composed of two things: the experiences that we make and the people with which we share them. And remarkably, the two are dynamically connected. With little family, few friends, and no mentors, your success and happiness are equally limited. But as you open the doors to countless friends, family, and mentors, the doors to success and everyday fulfillment open wide. It’s not always what you know, but who you know. Dan Sullivan puts you in touch with your own Pure Genius.
Henry Miller: Was an American writer and painter
"If there is to be any peace it will come through being, not having."
Take a second to think of the happiest, most fulfilling times in your life. They don't include sitting in a sports car, buying your first house or acquiring an exquisite piece of art — do they? Rather, they are moments when your emotions and satisfaction reached an absolute pinnacle. Moments that can't be bought — falling in love, graduating, getting married, accomplishing a significant goal, having children. Those moments are what we all endlessly search for — the meaning of life. The Monroe Institute gives you more of those moments.
Take a second to think of the happiest, most fulfilling times in your life. They don't include sitting in a sports car, buying your first house or acquiring an exquisite piece of art — do they? Rather, they are moments when your emotions and satisfaction reached an absolute pinnacle. Moments that can't be bought — falling in love, graduating, getting married, accomplishing a significant goal, having children. Those moments are what we all endlessly search for — the meaning of life. The Monroe Institute gives you more of those moments.
Galileo Galilei: Was an astronomer, physicist, and philosopher
"You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself."
What lies within you that you have yet to discover? Is it an ability to triple your income? Is it a passionate entrepreneurial drive? Some people are natural athletes. Some are natural artists. Perhaps you are a natural entrepreneur or businessperson. You may never know unless you learn to let those abilities shine. Dan Sullivan helps you polish your own life mastery.
What lies within you that you have yet to discover? Is it an ability to triple your income? Is it a passionate entrepreneurial drive? Some people are natural athletes. Some are natural artists. Perhaps you are a natural entrepreneur or businessperson. You may never know unless you learn to let those abilities shine. Dan Sullivan helps you polish your own life mastery.
Marcel Proust: Was a French novelist and essayist
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
People continuously attempt to enhance their lives. They do this by getting divorced, moving to a new city, changing careers, or making some other decision that they believe to be life-changing. In a sense, the only thing they are doing is redecorating their lives — not enhancing them. To truly enhance your life, you must first begin with changes inside of yourself. The Gateway Experience ® opens the doors to these possibilities.
People continuously attempt to enhance their lives. They do this by getting divorced, moving to a new city, changing careers, or making some other decision that they believe to be life-changing. In a sense, the only thing they are doing is redecorating their lives — not enhancing them. To truly enhance your life, you must first begin with changes inside of yourself. The Gateway Experience ® opens the doors to these possibilities.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Dale Carnegie: Was an American writer and lecturer
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
Your education, your experiences, your environment. They define who you are. But take away your thoughts, and you could be any one of a million different people. Your thoughts are the nucleus of your entire life. The wrong thoughts cripple your existence. The right thoughts can change your life and turn your life around. Jim Rohn helps pave the way for your best thoughts to flourish.
Your education, your experiences, your environment. They define who you are. But take away your thoughts, and you could be any one of a million different people. Your thoughts are the nucleus of your entire life. The wrong thoughts cripple your existence. The right thoughts can change your life and turn your life around. Jim Rohn helps pave the way for your best thoughts to flourish.
Debbi Fields: Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies and author
"The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it."
You know what it is. It's in the back of your mind where it's been tucked away from reality behind dozens of excuses. It's the dream, the chance you want to take. The career or business that is permanently labeled "Someday." Make your "someday" today, and discover the immense joy, satisfaction, and wealth that come with doing what you were always meant to do. Andy Fuehl shows you how to make it reality.
You know what it is. It's in the back of your mind where it's been tucked away from reality behind dozens of excuses. It's the dream, the chance you want to take. The career or business that is permanently labeled "Someday." Make your "someday" today, and discover the immense joy, satisfaction, and wealth that come with doing what you were always meant to do. Andy Fuehl shows you how to make it reality.
Sarah Ban Breathnach: Inspirational author
"The authentic self is the soul made visible."
Are you always true to your family? True to your friends? Are you always true to yourself? Most of us cannot answer affirmatively to those questions. Because the true you, the authentic you, remains hidden much of your life. But imagine if your soul were always exposed and everyone discovered the true you. The pure you. A profound impact would be made — on yourself and on everyone in your life. Pamela Dunn starts you on your journey.
Are you always true to your family? True to your friends? Are you always true to yourself? Most of us cannot answer affirmatively to those questions. Because the true you, the authentic you, remains hidden much of your life. But imagine if your soul were always exposed and everyone discovered the true you. The pure you. A profound impact would be made — on yourself and on everyone in your life. Pamela Dunn starts you on your journey.
James Allen: Was a British philosophical writer
"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."
Your education, your experiences, your environment. They define who you are. But take away your thoughts, and you could be any one of a million different people. Your thoughts are the nucleus of your entire life. The wrong thoughts cripple your existence. The right thoughts can change your life and turn your life around. Jim Rohn helps pave the way for your best thoughts to flourish.
Your education, your experiences, your environment. They define who you are. But take away your thoughts, and you could be any one of a million different people. Your thoughts are the nucleus of your entire life. The wrong thoughts cripple your existence. The right thoughts can change your life and turn your life around. Jim Rohn helps pave the way for your best thoughts to flourish.
Andy Fuehl: Author and wealth trainer
"You want to look at your purpose in life. You want to find that meaning within. Once you find that meaning within, and you start to express your purpose, that’s when the money starts coming. That’s when you attract it."
Imagine this scenario: You just won the lottery. You never have to worry about money again. Now you have an opportunity that few people ever get — to spend your life doing what you absolutely love to do. You get to devote time doing what you were put on Earth to do. Something that ignites a passion and drive to make you hop out of bed in the morning excited to start the day. When you figure out what that is — you’ve found your future career and future wealth. Andy Fuehl will help you find it.
Imagine this scenario: You just won the lottery. You never have to worry about money again. Now you have an opportunity that few people ever get — to spend your life doing what you absolutely love to do. You get to devote time doing what you were put on Earth to do. Something that ignites a passion and drive to make you hop out of bed in the morning excited to start the day. When you figure out what that is — you’ve found your future career and future wealth. Andy Fuehl will help you find it.
Jim Rohn: Author and motivational speaker
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much."
Think back to a time, either at school or in your business, when you were told to break out into teams — rather than work individually. What happens to the teammates who do not come prepared with ideas on day one? They were forced to accept others' opinions and others' work as their own — they took a backseat. The same thing happens in your life. Fail to plan, and the rest of the world will continue to march forward, while you are left in the backseat. Jim Rohn will make sure you have your own plan, starting now ...
Think back to a time, either at school or in your business, when you were told to break out into teams — rather than work individually. What happens to the teammates who do not come prepared with ideas on day one? They were forced to accept others' opinions and others' work as their own — they took a backseat. The same thing happens in your life. Fail to plan, and the rest of the world will continue to march forward, while you are left in the backseat. Jim Rohn will make sure you have your own plan, starting now ...
Robert L. Schwartz
"The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and actualizer... He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen."
Think about your best presentation. Your best round of golf. Or some other time when you excelled. Part of the reason you excelled in those cases was because you took the time to visualize before you clicked your first PowerPoint slide or swung your first golf club. Visualizing allows you to first experience it in your mind’s eye, before you experience it for all eyes to see. Creating wealth is done the same way. First visualize the methods and the money will follow. Andy Fuehl shows you how.
Think about your best presentation. Your best round of golf. Or some other time when you excelled. Part of the reason you excelled in those cases was because you took the time to visualize before you clicked your first PowerPoint slide or swung your first golf club. Visualizing allows you to first experience it in your mind’s eye, before you experience it for all eyes to see. Creating wealth is done the same way. First visualize the methods and the money will follow. Andy Fuehl shows you how.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Marianne Williamson: Spiritual activist, author, lecturer
"Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts."
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a newborn? You can see that the baby knows no fear. You were that way once as well. Fast-forward to your life today — your fears could probably fill a page of a legal pad. Between your health, your job, your finances, your relationships — it’s no wonder that many of us smoke, drink, or bite our nails to combat the forces of fear. Now, imagine you erase your fears. Step back into the skin of a newborn, with only love, hope, and happiness in your heart. Now you’re ready to start living spiritually and perfectly. Pamela Dunn is your guide.
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a newborn? You can see that the baby knows no fear. You were that way once as well. Fast-forward to your life today — your fears could probably fill a page of a legal pad. Between your health, your job, your finances, your relationships — it’s no wonder that many of us smoke, drink, or bite our nails to combat the forces of fear. Now, imagine you erase your fears. Step back into the skin of a newborn, with only love, hope, and happiness in your heart. Now you’re ready to start living spiritually and perfectly. Pamela Dunn is your guide.
Albert Einstein: Was a theoretical physicist and Time’s "Person of the Century"
"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."
That's a simple formula. Yet even today, most of us are still getting it wrong. We believe that happiness comes in a giant cardboard box or has four wheels and a supercharger. It’s not an easy lesson to learn, and most don’t learn it until they are significantly older. Happiness isn’t a shiny new piece of electronics; it’s not a swimming pool, nor a house, nor a city. Happiness is found inside of you. And in order to push the happiness outward so that it radiates into everything you do, you must feel great about yourself. There’s nothing that does that more than accomplishing a goal. What are your goals, and will you accomplish them? Denis Waitley has your answer.
That's a simple formula. Yet even today, most of us are still getting it wrong. We believe that happiness comes in a giant cardboard box or has four wheels and a supercharger. It’s not an easy lesson to learn, and most don’t learn it until they are significantly older. Happiness isn’t a shiny new piece of electronics; it’s not a swimming pool, nor a house, nor a city. Happiness is found inside of you. And in order to push the happiness outward so that it radiates into everything you do, you must feel great about yourself. There’s nothing that does that more than accomplishing a goal. What are your goals, and will you accomplish them? Denis Waitley has your answer.
Dr. Mark Hyman: Author, medical consultant
"Medicine is not the sacred body of knowledge I had previously thought. It is merely a collection of data points that have no relation to one another."
Our society has been trained to desire a quick fix in healing. When we have a headache, we take a pill, and the headache is gone within 15 minutes. Now we want the same type of magic pill for everything from diets and depression to asthma and arthritis. But not everything in life can be solved quickly with a pill or other medicine. Why? Because most illnesses and diseases are a result of years of lifestyle and generations of genetics that can’t be cured in 15 minutes. Dr. Mark Hyman reveals the five forces of wellness that are more powerful than any pill.
Our society has been trained to desire a quick fix in healing. When we have a headache, we take a pill, and the headache is gone within 15 minutes. Now we want the same type of magic pill for everything from diets and depression to asthma and arthritis. But not everything in life can be solved quickly with a pill or other medicine. Why? Because most illnesses and diseases are a result of years of lifestyle and generations of genetics that can’t be cured in 15 minutes. Dr. Mark Hyman reveals the five forces of wellness that are more powerful than any pill.
Robert G. Allen: Financial adviser, author
"Money is one of the most important subjects of your entire life.
Some of life's greatest enjoyments and most of life's greatest disappointments stem from your decisions about money. Whether you experience great peace of mind or constant anxiety will depend on getting your finances under control."
Many people think that millionaires constantly think about money. That's just not true. They don't think about money because they don't have to — they have made it in life. It's the average American who lives paycheck to paycheck, has credit card debt, student loans, and other debts who constantly thinks about money. But once you turn the corner and begin to receive steady streams of income, money anxieties, fears, and arguments dissolve — as you're one step closer to making it. The Power of Passive Income demonstrates in detail how to make it — both money and to your best life.
Some of life's greatest enjoyments and most of life's greatest disappointments stem from your decisions about money. Whether you experience great peace of mind or constant anxiety will depend on getting your finances under control."
Many people think that millionaires constantly think about money. That's just not true. They don't think about money because they don't have to — they have made it in life. It's the average American who lives paycheck to paycheck, has credit card debt, student loans, and other debts who constantly thinks about money. But once you turn the corner and begin to receive steady streams of income, money anxieties, fears, and arguments dissolve — as you're one step closer to making it. The Power of Passive Income demonstrates in detail how to make it — both money and to your best life.
Diana Scharf Hunt
"Goals are dreams with deadlines."
You have dreams of what you want to accomplish in life. And you also have dreams every night that vanish when you rise in the morning. The cold reality is that those two types of dreams are more similar than you think — because most of the hopes and dreams that we live for rarely happen. They disappear just as our nightly dreams do, although a few dreams have a great chance to become reality. Those are the ones that have deadlines, a plan, a purpose, and a passion. Denis Waitley will give you every chance to make your dreams real.
You have dreams of what you want to accomplish in life. And you also have dreams every night that vanish when you rise in the morning. The cold reality is that those two types of dreams are more similar than you think — because most of the hopes and dreams that we live for rarely happen. They disappear just as our nightly dreams do, although a few dreams have a great chance to become reality. Those are the ones that have deadlines, a plan, a purpose, and a passion. Denis Waitley will give you every chance to make your dreams real.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Molière: 17th century French playwright and actor
"One must eat to live and not live to eat."
Today in advanced countries, we eat to be social. We eat to escape reality. We eat because we’re bored. Or because we have a craving. Or just because. We could learn a lot from third world countries. We could learn a lot from our ancient ancestors. They eat for nourishment — they eat to live. If we could revert to a simpler time when we viewed food as fuel, energy, and life, we would eradicate most diseases. Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures. But living is just a tad better. Dr. Mark Hyman will reintroduce you to food and healthy living.
Today in advanced countries, we eat to be social. We eat to escape reality. We eat because we’re bored. Or because we have a craving. Or just because. We could learn a lot from third world countries. We could learn a lot from our ancient ancestors. They eat for nourishment — they eat to live. If we could revert to a simpler time when we viewed food as fuel, energy, and life, we would eradicate most diseases. Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures. But living is just a tad better. Dr. Mark Hyman will reintroduce you to food and healthy living.
Thornton Wilder: Was an American playwright and novelist
"Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow."
Even the novice investor knows that diversifying your financial portfolio builds greater wealth faster. Makes sense. Likewise, diversifying your income will do the same — build your wealth faster. Just as farmers stagger when they plant their crops in order to achieve maximum harvest, you can achieve maximum wealth by doing the same with your income. And with a recession looming, if you don’t diversify your income, you just may find yourself ankle deep in — well, you get the picture. The Power of Passive Income is your key to multiplying your income.
Even the novice investor knows that diversifying your financial portfolio builds greater wealth faster. Makes sense. Likewise, diversifying your income will do the same — build your wealth faster. Just as farmers stagger when they plant their crops in order to achieve maximum harvest, you can achieve maximum wealth by doing the same with your income. And with a recession looming, if you don’t diversify your income, you just may find yourself ankle deep in — well, you get the picture. The Power of Passive Income is your key to multiplying your income.
Denis Waitley: Author and productivity
"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them."
We have an incredible power. It’s the power to enact change and improvement in every area of our lives. Yet, most people don’t know how to summon these superpowers and therefore are stuck in the quagmire of their same existence. Once you accept the responsibility for changing your life, you simply take the next step to make goals. Then your new life begins to fall into place. Denis Waitley gives you the answers you’ve been searching for in regards to goal setting.
We have an incredible power. It’s the power to enact change and improvement in every area of our lives. Yet, most people don’t know how to summon these superpowers and therefore are stuck in the quagmire of their same existence. Once you accept the responsibility for changing your life, you simply take the next step to make goals. Then your new life begins to fall into place. Denis Waitley gives you the answers you’ve been searching for in regards to goal setting.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Thomas Alva Edison: Was an inventor and businessman
"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
The United States is the most overly medicated country in the world. We also pay billions for vitamins, supplements, and quick diet solutions. Yet, our obesity rates, level of heart disease, and number of cancers are absolutely staggering. Your solution for attaining your best health and preventing disease is taking genuine care of your body every day through diet, exercise, and living cleanly. You, more than any doctor, have the ability to rewrite your future, starting today. Dr. Mark Hyman unveils the five forces of wellness.
The United States is the most overly medicated country in the world. We also pay billions for vitamins, supplements, and quick diet solutions. Yet, our obesity rates, level of heart disease, and number of cancers are absolutely staggering. Your solution for attaining your best health and preventing disease is taking genuine care of your body every day through diet, exercise, and living cleanly. You, more than any doctor, have the ability to rewrite your future, starting today. Dr. Mark Hyman unveils the five forces of wellness.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Jerry Gillies: Motivational author
"Wealth is not a material gain, but a state of mind."
There's here’s a single word that determines if you are of a wealthy state of mind or not. The word is accept. There are those among us who file for bankruptcy and have accepted their impoverished lifestyle — they will never be wealthy. Then there are others who are equally bankrupt but never accept their current fate as their final destination. Those people will likely be wealthy one day. Are you wealthy? To find the answer, don’t look to your bank account — look to yourself and ask yourself if you’ve accepted where you are. Discover the power of passive income to affect your accepted wealth.
There's here’s a single word that determines if you are of a wealthy state of mind or not. The word is accept. There are those among us who file for bankruptcy and have accepted their impoverished lifestyle — they will never be wealthy. Then there are others who are equally bankrupt but never accept their current fate as their final destination. Those people will likely be wealthy one day. Are you wealthy? To find the answer, don’t look to your bank account — look to yourself and ask yourself if you’ve accepted where you are. Discover the power of passive income to affect your accepted wealth.
Earl Nightingale: Author, The Strangest Secret, Lead the Field
"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude toward us."
You already know this to some degree. Smile at someone and they’ll smile back. Ignore someone and they’ll return the favor. But what if you set out to absolutely change the person you are. Become someone who gives, shares, helps, and lives for the pleasure of others. Every day. Not only will people give to you, share with you, and help you, it will also seem that luck, fortune, and fulfillment have found you. They haven’t. You’ve found them. No one captures this secret like the late Earl Nightingale.
You already know this to some degree. Smile at someone and they’ll smile back. Ignore someone and they’ll return the favor. But what if you set out to absolutely change the person you are. Become someone who gives, shares, helps, and lives for the pleasure of others. Every day. Not only will people give to you, share with you, and help you, it will also seem that luck, fortune, and fulfillment have found you. They haven’t. You’ve found them. No one captures this secret like the late Earl Nightingale.
Oprah Winfrey: Television host, publisher, and book critic
"It isn't until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are — not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within — that you can begin to take control."
Oprah's absolutely right. Unfortunately, many people wander through their lives as if lost in a jungle. And they go to their graves without a pure understanding of who they are. Such a waste. You know people who virtually shine in their lives. Everything from health and happiness to prosperity and spirituality are in complete alignment. As a result, there’s nothing they cannot do. Dr. David Hawkins takes you by the hand to experience this higher level of enlightenment.
Oprah's absolutely right. Unfortunately, many people wander through their lives as if lost in a jungle. And they go to their graves without a pure understanding of who they are. Such a waste. You know people who virtually shine in their lives. Everything from health and happiness to prosperity and spirituality are in complete alignment. As a result, there’s nothing they cannot do. Dr. David Hawkins takes you by the hand to experience this higher level of enlightenment.
Colin Powell: 65th U.S. secretary of state
"The freedom to do your best means nothing unless you are willing to do your best."
You, right now, have the absolute ability and freedom to become successful. But that’s not unique. So does every one of your neighbors, all of your colleagues, your entire family, and most everyone else in America. Ability means nothing. Action means everything. Having ability and the freedom to succeed is a waste unless you take the steps to make it happen. Get ready for Larry Winget to jolt you awake and push you toward success.
You, right now, have the absolute ability and freedom to become successful. But that’s not unique. So does every one of your neighbors, all of your colleagues, your entire family, and most everyone else in America. Ability means nothing. Action means everything. Having ability and the freedom to succeed is a waste unless you take the steps to make it happen. Get ready for Larry Winget to jolt you awake and push you toward success.
Earl Nightingale: Author, The Strangest Secret, Lead the Field
"You become what you think about."
Five minutes. That's all it takes to turn these inspirational quotes into a better life for you. Seriously. You've probably been receiving these motivational quotes in your inbox for a while. And perhaps you're waiting for your life to magically take off because you've been reading them. But as Earl Nightingale knew, it doesn't work like that. Rather, you must spend a little time digesting each quote, thinking about what these great philosophers mean and how you can apply their message to your own life. Only then will you discover what others have — that these simple quotes can make a monumental impact on your life. Read. Think. Then become.
Five minutes. That's all it takes to turn these inspirational quotes into a better life for you. Seriously. You've probably been receiving these motivational quotes in your inbox for a while. And perhaps you're waiting for your life to magically take off because you've been reading them. But as Earl Nightingale knew, it doesn't work like that. Rather, you must spend a little time digesting each quote, thinking about what these great philosophers mean and how you can apply their message to your own life. Only then will you discover what others have — that these simple quotes can make a monumental impact on your life. Read. Think. Then become.
Dr. David Hawkins: psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and lecturer
"The way to enlightenment is simply that of surrendering the barriers that preclude the state of realization."
Can you truly discover a higher level of enlightenment? Only you can answer that question. Because only you have the spirit, the beliefs, the attitude, and the peace of mind that leads you to a higher state of consciousness. Regardless of the programs, books or sermons you experience, if you don't believe it's possible, it won't be. But once you surrender your own barriers, that's the point when you discover anything's possible. Dr. David Hawkins reveals extraordinary insights about finding your own enlightenment.
Can you truly discover a higher level of enlightenment? Only you can answer that question. Because only you have the spirit, the beliefs, the attitude, and the peace of mind that leads you to a higher state of consciousness. Regardless of the programs, books or sermons you experience, if you don't believe it's possible, it won't be. But once you surrender your own barriers, that's the point when you discover anything's possible. Dr. David Hawkins reveals extraordinary insights about finding your own enlightenment.
Helen Keller: Author, activist and lecturer
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
How many risks do you take a day? Not physical risks such as skydiving — but rather, living new experiences, learning new things, creating new ideas, meeting new people and living each day as if it might be your last. When you ask some people how they are doing, they'll answer, "Same old, same old." They aren't living for each day. They aren't taking risks. They will probably never find success. Start now by deciding how you can finish your day so it's unlike any day you've ever lived. Larry Winget will shock you into living a far more daring life and finding success while you do.
How many risks do you take a day? Not physical risks such as skydiving — but rather, living new experiences, learning new things, creating new ideas, meeting new people and living each day as if it might be your last. When you ask some people how they are doing, they'll answer, "Same old, same old." They aren't living for each day. They aren't taking risks. They will probably never find success. Start now by deciding how you can finish your day so it's unlike any day you've ever lived. Larry Winget will shock you into living a far more daring life and finding success while you do.
Earl Nightingale: Author, The Strangest Secret, Lead the Field
"All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord."
Have you ever been lost in a foreign country? Maps, road signs and even directions are nearly impossible to follow. But that's exactly how many people wander through life — lost and confused. So even if the solution stared them in the face, they wouldn't know what to do. Your mind is an incredible instrument, but like an instrument it needs to be fine-tuned and focused. You can create the right path to follow toward your goals and learn to read the road signs along the way to make your life a harmonious symphony. Discover how with the timeless inspiration only Earl Nightingale can provide.
Have you ever been lost in a foreign country? Maps, road signs and even directions are nearly impossible to follow. But that's exactly how many people wander through life — lost and confused. So even if the solution stared them in the face, they wouldn't know what to do. Your mind is an incredible instrument, but like an instrument it needs to be fine-tuned and focused. You can create the right path to follow toward your goals and learn to read the road signs along the way to make your life a harmonious symphony. Discover how with the timeless inspiration only Earl Nightingale can provide.
James Allen: writer and poet
"The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors; that which it loves, and also that which it fears."
Those who believe in luck, good fortune and happenstance sit around waiting for opportunities to come to them. They wait around for inspiration, for success to find them and for evil to avoid them. As a result, they wait to live. Then there are those who can't wait to live. They embrace life. They seek enlightenment and opportunity. They know that their souls, their minds and their hearts need to be filled with passion and purpose. And they go after the best possible life with everything they've got. Dr. David Hawkins reveals this higher level of enlightenment, where you can pursue the best in life with a renewed passion and purpose
Those who believe in luck, good fortune and happenstance sit around waiting for opportunities to come to them. They wait around for inspiration, for success to find them and for evil to avoid them. As a result, they wait to live. Then there are those who can't wait to live. They embrace life. They seek enlightenment and opportunity. They know that their souls, their minds and their hearts need to be filled with passion and purpose. And they go after the best possible life with everything they've got. Dr. David Hawkins reveals this higher level of enlightenment, where you can pursue the best in life with a renewed passion and purpose
Larry Winget: Speaker, Author and television host
"Clean up your own backyard. Change by example. Just be the way you want others to be and hope they pay attention."
As Spring draws closer, you'll notice one of your neighbors planting flowers. Then, after a few days, another neighbor will follow her example. Then another. And another. By mid-spring, your neighborhood has an entirely new spirit, thanks to the new color and beauty found in most everyone's yard. That's exactly how you make a difference in the world. You begin by improving yourself. Then you inspire others by what you've done. With time, you'll discover that just like the spring flowers in your yard, your neighbors, your colleagues, your friends and your family have blossomed -- and that you have, too.
As Spring draws closer, you'll notice one of your neighbors planting flowers. Then, after a few days, another neighbor will follow her example. Then another. And another. By mid-spring, your neighborhood has an entirely new spirit, thanks to the new color and beauty found in most everyone's yard. That's exactly how you make a difference in the world. You begin by improving yourself. Then you inspire others by what you've done. With time, you'll discover that just like the spring flowers in your yard, your neighbors, your colleagues, your friends and your family have blossomed -- and that you have, too.
Jerry Gillies: Author and workshop leader
"The strongest single factor in prosperity consciousness is self-esteem: believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it."
Will you get that career promotion? Will you lose the weight? Will you build your wealth? Will you meet your goal? Those are the wrong questions to ask — because regardless of how you answer, the outcome will still be unknown. Rather, ask yourself if you believe you can. Do you believe you can get that career promotion or build your wealth? Then, if your absolute honest answer is "YES," then the positive results are practically guaranteed. That’s one simple tip to maximizing personal achievement — Napoleon Hill uncovers many more.
Will you get that career promotion? Will you lose the weight? Will you build your wealth? Will you meet your goal? Those are the wrong questions to ask — because regardless of how you answer, the outcome will still be unknown. Rather, ask yourself if you believe you can. Do you believe you can get that career promotion or build your wealth? Then, if your absolute honest answer is "YES," then the positive results are practically guaranteed. That’s one simple tip to maximizing personal achievement — Napoleon Hill uncovers many more.
Johni Redd: Marketing specialist
"See them always as open, and thus the doors shall be."
Your life features many doors — some that are wide open, some which you can open with some effort, and some that are dead-bolted shut. These doors lead to your relationships, your health, your career opportunities, your future fortunes, and just about anything else you come upon. Most of us take the wrong approach in trying to push our doors open with excessive force, involving sweat, commitment, time and effort, when all we need to do is use our mind and visualize each door as being open, and we’ll be astonished by how many doors naturally open for us. Joe Vitale gives you the key to open most any door you’ll face.
Your life features many doors — some that are wide open, some which you can open with some effort, and some that are dead-bolted shut. These doors lead to your relationships, your health, your career opportunities, your future fortunes, and just about anything else you come upon. Most of us take the wrong approach in trying to push our doors open with excessive force, involving sweat, commitment, time and effort, when all we need to do is use our mind and visualize each door as being open, and we’ll be astonished by how many doors naturally open for us. Joe Vitale gives you the key to open most any door you’ll face.
Henri Bergson: Was a French philosopher
"Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought."
Ask any first-time marathoner and he or she will tell you, "You must train your legs, your arms, and your heart. But if you don’t train your mind, you’ll never finish." The reality remains, if you don’t use your mind, you won’t finish anything worthwhile that you ever aim to accomplish. Any goal you wish to achieve needs to be visualized and perfected in your mind before you even begin to take action. Napoleon Hill shows you how to use your mind to achieve any goal you set for yourself.
Ask any first-time marathoner and he or she will tell you, "You must train your legs, your arms, and your heart. But if you don’t train your mind, you’ll never finish." The reality remains, if you don’t use your mind, you won’t finish anything worthwhile that you ever aim to accomplish. Any goal you wish to achieve needs to be visualized and perfected in your mind before you even begin to take action. Napoleon Hill shows you how to use your mind to achieve any goal you set for yourself.
Robert Collier: Was an inspirational author
"Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives."
Your mind is an incredible vessel that can truly perform miracles.Yet, as amazing as your mind is, there’s one thing it cannot do — think for itself. You are constantly programming your mind with new thoughts, new desires, new goals. And just like programming a computer, whatever you program your mind to think about, that will become your focus — and eventually, it will simply become. Discover what your mind can truly become with Mind Tech
Your mind is an incredible vessel that can truly perform miracles.Yet, as amazing as your mind is, there’s one thing it cannot do — think for itself. You are constantly programming your mind with new thoughts, new desires, new goals. And just like programming a computer, whatever you program your mind to think about, that will become your focus — and eventually, it will simply become. Discover what your mind can truly become with Mind Tech
Joe Vitale: A motivational author and coach
What does money like? Money likes speed. That's the secret few know about money. Money comes to those who act fast. If you think, wonder, question, doubt, plan, meet, discuss, or in any other way drag your feet, money goes to the next person in line."
Remember when Google first debuted its stock, and you questioned whether $100 a share was too high? There were whispers about if the price would climb — then the whispers turned into a thundering stampede of investors. And it quickly skyrocketed to incredible share prices while most of us were left in the dust. It’s the same with any great investment or opportunity. When you hear the whispers, you need to act — otherwise, your subconscious will constantly whisper about what you should have done. Joe Vitale explores The Missing Secret and how you can use it to attract money even before the whispers
Remember when Google first debuted its stock, and you questioned whether $100 a share was too high? There were whispers about if the price would climb — then the whispers turned into a thundering stampede of investors. And it quickly skyrocketed to incredible share prices while most of us were left in the dust. It’s the same with any great investment or opportunity. When you hear the whispers, you need to act — otherwise, your subconscious will constantly whisper about what you should have done. Joe Vitale explores The Missing Secret and how you can use it to attract money even before the whispers
Napoleon Hill: Was a personal success author
"If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self."
Your greatest enemy is much closer than you think. It’s you. You are more critical of yourself than anyone else is. And you, more than anyone else, are capable of destroying yourself. But while you are your own worst enemy, you are also your own hero. Learn to control your thoughts, goals, and actions, and there’s literally nothing you cannot accomplish in life. The great Napoleon Hill reveals how you can realize your own personal achievement.
Your greatest enemy is much closer than you think. It’s you. You are more critical of yourself than anyone else is. And you, more than anyone else, are capable of destroying yourself. But while you are your own worst enemy, you are also your own hero. Learn to control your thoughts, goals, and actions, and there’s literally nothing you cannot accomplish in life. The great Napoleon Hill reveals how you can realize your own personal achievement.
Ralph Waldo Emerson: Was an essayist, poet, philosopher
"Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it."
Without first seeding the thought, the fruit of your labors doesn’t exist. Yet, we are an "action-oriented" society. What we do and where we go has become more important than what we think about. Therefore, we’re always going, always doing, and rarely stopping to think. To explore. To live. Yet, if we get back to a generation of thinkers, the fruit of our labor will be many times as magnificent. Discover the Mind Tech program to reprogram your subconscious.
Without first seeding the thought, the fruit of your labors doesn’t exist. Yet, we are an "action-oriented" society. What we do and where we go has become more important than what we think about. Therefore, we’re always going, always doing, and rarely stopping to think. To explore. To live. Yet, if we get back to a generation of thinkers, the fruit of our labor will be many times as magnificent. Discover the Mind Tech program to reprogram your subconscious.
Thomas Jefferson: Third U.S. president
"Never spend your money before you have it."
Credit cards. Student loans. Payday loans. Doesn’t matter what you call them, they all mean the same thing — DEBT! And they are all different ways to gladly pay for your hamburger tomorrow while you enjoy it today. Many Americans are now entangled in a web of debt that could easily be avoided. How? Simply by living within their means; simply by buying only what they can afford; simply by using the almighty dollar, rather than the almighty plastic. Your credit score can turn around — Phil Tirone will see to it.
Credit cards. Student loans. Payday loans. Doesn’t matter what you call them, they all mean the same thing — DEBT! And they are all different ways to gladly pay for your hamburger tomorrow while you enjoy it today. Many Americans are now entangled in a web of debt that could easily be avoided. How? Simply by living within their means; simply by buying only what they can afford; simply by using the almighty dollar, rather than the almighty plastic. Your credit score can turn around — Phil Tirone will see to it.
Washington Irving: Early 19th-century author
"The tongue is the only tool that gets sharper with use."
You learned to talk at age one. At three, you spoke complete sentences. Today, you speak thousands of words a day. Yet, as versed as you are in speaking, are you maximizing your communication skills with every syllable you utter? By improving your communication skills, doors fly open, opportunities appear out of nowhere, relationships grow stronger, and success and wealth are generated. Roger Love teaches you to speak with a purpose.
You learned to talk at age one. At three, you spoke complete sentences. Today, you speak thousands of words a day. Yet, as versed as you are in speaking, are you maximizing your communication skills with every syllable you utter? By improving your communication skills, doors fly open, opportunities appear out of nowhere, relationships grow stronger, and success and wealth are generated. Roger Love teaches you to speak with a purpose.
Richard Bach: Inspirational author
"One of the great cosmic laws, I think, is that whatever we hold in our thought will come true in our experience."
Taught up in the rigors of everyday life, we aren’t quite cognizant of our abilities. Yet they admit that there is still so much that they do not know. Doesn’t that reveal that the mind may possess extraordinary capabilities beyond our comprehension? What you hold in your thoughts has no choice but to become reality. Barefoot Doctor guides you through this phenomenon.
Taught up in the rigors of everyday life, we aren’t quite cognizant of our abilities. Yet they admit that there is still so much that they do not know. Doesn’t that reveal that the mind may possess extraordinary capabilities beyond our comprehension? What you hold in your thoughts has no choice but to become reality. Barefoot Doctor guides you through this phenomenon.
Phil X. Tirone: Expert in residential home financing
"Your credit score: Those three little numbers can have a six-digit impact on your life."
Many people think that a good credit score simply means you can have more stuff — and a bad credit score means less stuff. But it's far more than that. If your credit score is not as strong as it could be, you're losing money. Every day. Your car payment — more. If you own your home, your mortgage — far more. Or, if you rent your home, you're paying thousands more that could be going toward home equity. It's an endless spiral that affects your wallet as well as your spirit. Phil Tirone will show you simple steps you can use to ratchet up your credit score.
Many people think that a good credit score simply means you can have more stuff — and a bad credit score means less stuff. But it's far more than that. If your credit score is not as strong as it could be, you're losing money. Every day. Your car payment — more. If you own your home, your mortgage — far more. Or, if you rent your home, you're paying thousands more that could be going toward home equity. It's an endless spiral that affects your wallet as well as your spirit. Phil Tirone will show you simple steps you can use to ratchet up your credit score.
Roger Love: Vocal coach and authority on voice
"The only currency you have is influential communication."
They say that a recession is looming, or perhaps already here, which causes people to think, What if I lose my job? What if I lose my home? Or my life savings? You won’t. Because you’ll be protected by a steel curtain that no natural disaster or recession can break down. This shield is your own communication skills, your power of persuasion, and your ability to influence. As long as you continue to sharpen these skills, you’ll succeed no matter what comes your way. Roger Love demonstrates valuable communication skills so that you’ll never wonder, What if?
They say that a recession is looming, or perhaps already here, which causes people to think, What if I lose my job? What if I lose my home? Or my life savings? You won’t. Because you’ll be protected by a steel curtain that no natural disaster or recession can break down. This shield is your own communication skills, your power of persuasion, and your ability to influence. As long as you continue to sharpen these skills, you’ll succeed no matter what comes your way. Roger Love demonstrates valuable communication skills so that you’ll never wonder, What if?
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Was a French Jesuit, scientist, and philosopher
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
Caught up in the rigors of everyday life, we aren’t quite cognizant of our abilities. Like most, we assume our legs are made to walk, our hands are made to grasp and use tools, and our brain is made to think—as if we are mechanical robots. But what if your mind had the power to change what happens in your life? What if your heart could help heal? Barefoot Doctor explores these questions and more in examining your spiritual life.
Caught up in the rigors of everyday life, we aren’t quite cognizant of our abilities. Like most, we assume our legs are made to walk, our hands are made to grasp and use tools, and our brain is made to think—as if we are mechanical robots. But what if your mind had the power to change what happens in your life? What if your heart could help heal? Barefoot Doctor explores these questions and more in examining your spiritual life.
Jonathan Swift: 17-18th century: Irish essayist, novelist, and satirist
"A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart."
You could plan a world-class budget complete with spreadsheets, charts, and schedules that takes a month to complete. That’s still the easy part. The difficult part comes when you walk into a new-car showroom; or when you pass by a department store window displaying the perfect outfit; or when summer comes and you’re itching to go on a vacation. On paper, your money behaves. It’s resisting the temptations of life that challenges your commitment. Phil Tirone teaches you to separate your needs from your desires.
You could plan a world-class budget complete with spreadsheets, charts, and schedules that takes a month to complete. That’s still the easy part. The difficult part comes when you walk into a new-car showroom; or when you pass by a department store window displaying the perfect outfit; or when summer comes and you’re itching to go on a vacation. On paper, your money behaves. It’s resisting the temptations of life that challenges your commitment. Phil Tirone teaches you to separate your needs from your desires.
J. K. Rowling: British fantasy author
"The best of us must sometimes eat our words."(From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
If only every word we spoke were flawless. But they aren’t. We eat our words, choke on our words, and end up swallowing our pride. Sometimes more than a few times a week. Bolstering your communication skills ensures that only the right words and most inspiring words escape your mouth. When that happens, the only thing you’ll eat is the competition. Roger Love gives you the tools to get there.
If only every word we spoke were flawless. But they aren’t. We eat our words, choke on our words, and end up swallowing our pride. Sometimes more than a few times a week. Bolstering your communication skills ensures that only the right words and most inspiring words escape your mouth. When that happens, the only thing you’ll eat is the competition. Roger Love gives you the tools to get there.
Barefoot Doctor: Author and practitioner of Taoism
"If you believe it, you can make it happen. That’s all you need, is belief — and of course the willingness to follow through on whatever needs to be done on your part."
There’s never been a championship team whose players and coach didn’t believe in themselves. There’s never been a corporate president or CEO who didn’t believe in himself or herself. Believing is not a guarantee of achievement. But failing to believe is a sure guarantee of failure. Before you set your goal to make more money next month, lose 10 pounds, or get that promotion you’ve had your eye on, ask yourself if you believe you can do it. If the answer’s yes, then go do it. Barefoot Doctor teaches you how to turn your belief into reality.
There’s never been a championship team whose players and coach didn’t believe in themselves. There’s never been a corporate president or CEO who didn’t believe in himself or herself. Believing is not a guarantee of achievement. But failing to believe is a sure guarantee of failure. Before you set your goal to make more money next month, lose 10 pounds, or get that promotion you’ve had your eye on, ask yourself if you believe you can do it. If the answer’s yes, then go do it. Barefoot Doctor teaches you how to turn your belief into reality.
Zig Ziglar: Author and motivational speaker
I don't care how much power, brilliance, or energy you have, if you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there, you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants."
Think about your education — the years spent learning your discipline. Think of all the training and experience you’ve accumulated and all the secrets of business that you’ve learned over the years. This is what sets you apart from most everyone else. Combine this power with an unrivaled charisma, and you have the perfect ingredients to accomplish just about anything you want. Tony Alessandra defines your future charisma.
Think about your education — the years spent learning your discipline. Think of all the training and experience you’ve accumulated and all the secrets of business that you’ve learned over the years. This is what sets you apart from most everyone else. Combine this power with an unrivaled charisma, and you have the perfect ingredients to accomplish just about anything you want. Tony Alessandra defines your future charisma.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Was a German author and philosopher
Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded."
The difference between what wellness and sickness do to your body is clear. But there’s far more that’s rarely considered. At the height of your health, you smile more, you do more, you achieve more, you think more, you create more, you love more, you forgive more, you grow more. You live more. Find the best version of yourself by maximizing your wellness. Dr. Mark Hyman shows you how.
The difference between what wellness and sickness do to your body is clear. But there’s far more that’s rarely considered. At the height of your health, you smile more, you do more, you achieve more, you think more, you create more, you love more, you forgive more, you grow more. You live more. Find the best version of yourself by maximizing your wellness. Dr. Mark Hyman shows you how.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Wayne Dyer: Self-development author and speaker
"You can set yourself up to be sick, or you can choose to stay well."
Remember the television commercial that promoted some cold medicine with the jingle “I haven’t got time for a cold…”? That song rings true for all illness and disease. Sickness simply keeps you from achieving your goals and living your life. No one chooses to be sick. But, if there were a way, everyone would choose to stay well. Now there is a way. Dr. Mark Hyman shows you how.
Remember the television commercial that promoted some cold medicine with the jingle “I haven’t got time for a cold…”? That song rings true for all illness and disease. Sickness simply keeps you from achieving your goals and living your life. No one chooses to be sick. But, if there were a way, everyone would choose to stay well. Now there is a way. Dr. Mark Hyman shows you how.
Wallace D. Wattles: Was a self-help author
"If you have not consciously made the decision to be rich, excellent, and healthy, then you have unconsciously made the decision to be poor, mediocre, and unhealthy."
How has Tiger Woods excelled at The Masters? Does he arrive in Augusta on tournament day and blindly approach each hole simply hoping his shots find the greens? Not even close. Tiger watches hundreds of hours of course footage, and he plays the entire course over and over in his mind before he actually approaches the first tee. That’s the power of the conscious mind. It not only works for golf, it works for anything you wish to achieve in life: wealth, health, and success. Bob Proctor reveals how your mind is the breeding ground for everything you achieve.
How has Tiger Woods excelled at The Masters? Does he arrive in Augusta on tournament day and blindly approach each hole simply hoping his shots find the greens? Not even close. Tiger watches hundreds of hours of course footage, and he plays the entire course over and over in his mind before he actually approaches the first tee. That’s the power of the conscious mind. It not only works for golf, it works for anything you wish to achieve in life: wealth, health, and success. Bob Proctor reveals how your mind is the breeding ground for everything you achieve.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Erich Fromm: Was a psychoanalyst and philosopher
"A person's main task in life is to give birth to oneself."
No matter your sex or your age, you can still give birth. Giving birth to a new self is a goal that most people seek, but few accomplish. Use the fresh start of this year to improve just one thing about yourself — your charisma. Charisma is perhaps the one elusive character trait that positively impacts your entire world. When you’re charismatic, people gravitate to you, open doors for you, and help to make your life the best it can be. Dr. Tony Alessandra teaches you how to live a more charismatic life.
No matter your sex or your age, you can still give birth. Giving birth to a new self is a goal that most people seek, but few accomplish. Use the fresh start of this year to improve just one thing about yourself — your charisma. Charisma is perhaps the one elusive character trait that positively impacts your entire world. When you’re charismatic, people gravitate to you, open doors for you, and help to make your life the best it can be. Dr. Tony Alessandra teaches you how to live a more charismatic life.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Bob Proctor: Motivational author and lecturer
"You will be amazed at how much free time you actually have when you never have to think about or worry about money."
Imagine if your money worries were replaced by the excitement of choosing your next new car. Imagine if money guilt were replaced by a calm bliss that envelops your life. Imagine if the struggles, fights, and unhappiness surrounding money were replaced by long walks, meaningful discussions, and unbridled happiness with your spouse. Money may not buy happiness, but it does buy contentment, peace of mind, and a better life. Bob Proctor reveals the science-based secret to getting rich.
Imagine if your money worries were replaced by the excitement of choosing your next new car. Imagine if money guilt were replaced by a calm bliss that envelops your life. Imagine if the struggles, fights, and unhappiness surrounding money were replaced by long walks, meaningful discussions, and unbridled happiness with your spouse. Money may not buy happiness, but it does buy contentment, peace of mind, and a better life. Bob Proctor reveals the science-based secret to getting rich.
Oscar Maximilian Bircher-Benner: Was a Swiss physician and nutritionist
"There are two great medicines: diet and self-control."
Many of us begin truly saving for retirement when faced with turning 60. We begin looking for a new job only when faced with unemployment. And we begin to get serious about diet, exercise, and self-control when face-to-face with our doctor who’s holding some grim test results. All of our good intentions aside, we tend to live life backwards. Rather than depend on medicine when faced with illness or disease, we should focus on medicines that prevent illness and disease. Dr. Mark Hyman shows you how his proven brand of diet and self-control is the key to “ultraprevention.”
Many of us begin truly saving for retirement when faced with turning 60. We begin looking for a new job only when faced with unemployment. And we begin to get serious about diet, exercise, and self-control when face-to-face with our doctor who’s holding some grim test results. All of our good intentions aside, we tend to live life backwards. Rather than depend on medicine when faced with illness or disease, we should focus on medicines that prevent illness and disease. Dr. Mark Hyman shows you how his proven brand of diet and self-control is the key to “ultraprevention.”
Friday, January 11, 2008
William Shakespeare: 16th-17th century English poet and playwright
"Better three hours too soon, than one minute too late."
When do many people start exercising? Immediately after their doctor tells them their health is in danger. Too late. When do many people start saving for retirement? When retirement looms just a few years away. Too late. When do people truly appreciate their marriage, their children, or their own lives? When they think they might lose them. Too late. Now you can do something to ensure that you aren’t one minute too late in 2008. Create your own personal Mission Statement. And start living for today.
When do many people start exercising? Immediately after their doctor tells them their health is in danger. Too late. When do many people start saving for retirement? When retirement looms just a few years away. Too late. When do people truly appreciate their marriage, their children, or their own lives? When they think they might lose them. Too late. Now you can do something to ensure that you aren’t one minute too late in 2008. Create your own personal Mission Statement. And start living for today.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Henry Ford : Founder, Ford Motor Company
"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs."
Imagine building a new, severely complicated product and building it in mass quantity. That’s the task in front of Henry Ford a century ago. Yet, rather than letting the difficulty of building over a million Model T’s overwhelm him, he created the assembly line, thus reducing each machine to many small jobs. Doubling your income sounds impossible, but adding an extra thousand each month makes it much simpler. As 2008 is staring you in the face, decide how you can divide each goal into bite-sized mini-goals. And if you haven’t set your goals yet, our Mission Statement Builder is one of the best goal-setting tools available for free.
Imagine building a new, severely complicated product and building it in mass quantity. That’s the task in front of Henry Ford a century ago. Yet, rather than letting the difficulty of building over a million Model T’s overwhelm him, he created the assembly line, thus reducing each machine to many small jobs. Doubling your income sounds impossible, but adding an extra thousand each month makes it much simpler. As 2008 is staring you in the face, decide how you can divide each goal into bite-sized mini-goals. And if you haven’t set your goals yet, our Mission Statement Builder is one of the best goal-setting tools available for free.
Zig Ziglar: American author, salesperson, and motivational speaker
"It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enabled us to follow through."
Character. Commitment. Discipline. All three are vital to achieve your 2008 resolutions. Yet for most people, everyday self-discipline is a constant struggle. After your first few weeks in your resolution quest, self-discipline may become your biggest challenge. Therefore, you need an even more practical solution. Kerry Johnson provides to you his years of experience in eliminating any struggle from making self-discipline an integral part of meeting your 2008 goals.
Character. Commitment. Discipline. All three are vital to achieve your 2008 resolutions. Yet for most people, everyday self-discipline is a constant struggle. After your first few weeks in your resolution quest, self-discipline may become your biggest challenge. Therefore, you need an even more practical solution. Kerry Johnson provides to you his years of experience in eliminating any struggle from making self-discipline an integral part of meeting your 2008 goals.
Richard Koch: Author, management consultant
"The few things that work fantastically well should be identified, cultivated, nurtured, and multiplied."
Thousands of people have discovered that their lives significantly improve when they heed the advice of Richard Koch. You can improve your 2008 by accomplishing the goals that you set forth in your own personalized Mission Statement. The Mission Statement works because your goals are, first, identified. Next, your goals are cultivated and nurtured throughout 2008 with hard work and determination. Last, when you multiply your hard work on your mission throughout the year, you will have accomplished something that few do: success.
Thousands of people have discovered that their lives significantly improve when they heed the advice of Richard Koch. You can improve your 2008 by accomplishing the goals that you set forth in your own personalized Mission Statement. The Mission Statement works because your goals are, first, identified. Next, your goals are cultivated and nurtured throughout 2008 with hard work and determination. Last, when you multiply your hard work on your mission throughout the year, you will have accomplished something that few do: success.
Leo Buscaglia: Was an inspirational author and professor
"The loving person is a person who abhors waste—waste of time, waste of human potential. How much time we waste. As if we were going to live forever."
Because you are reading this, you must be someone who values your time. Ask yourself these questions: Do you evaluate every task to first determine if it will benefit your life? Do you tend to put off immediate pleasures so you can accomplish your long-term goals? Throughout 2008, focus on making every second count. Only then will you have minimized wasted time and maximized your life. Elaine St. James helps you find more happiness and purpose in your life.
Because you are reading this, you must be someone who values your time. Ask yourself these questions: Do you evaluate every task to first determine if it will benefit your life? Do you tend to put off immediate pleasures so you can accomplish your long-term goals? Throughout 2008, focus on making every second count. Only then will you have minimized wasted time and maximized your life. Elaine St. James helps you find more happiness and purpose in your life.
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